1) Colorwork mittens -- need 2 skeins of light green Shetland jumperweight, I think they'll be light green and dark green with an angora lining (unfortunately most wool makes my wrists itch like crazy). The hand chart is pretty much done, must finish charting the thumb next.

2) Fair Isle cardigan in Meg Swansen's Knitting, for mom -- need just 8 more skeins. I've been slooowly collecting the Shetland yarn for this over the last 2 years. I'll make it smaller and shorter so it'll be more fitted, but not too fitted. And it'll be shades of blue/silver grey/cream, not the colors in the book.

3) Marihone or Marihøne, better known as the cute ladybug sweater from Dale of Norway -- I started this last night, but don't expect it'll be done soon. Cardigans are more useful than pullovers around here so I'm converting it to a cardigan, and plan to steek the front, neck, and arms. I'm making the 2 yrs size for a couple reasons: (1) We don't know when the adoption my younger brother and his wife are working on will actually go through, so I can give it to Kate (my older brother's newborn) if that doesn't happen before two years is up, and (2) I don't want to feel rushed.

4) A children's cardigan from the March 1994 Knitting Digest -- Who is E.J. Slayton and what happened to her? Last month I found a stash of old-ish Knitting Digests at the thrift store and noticed her name was attached to most of the best patterns. She designed traditional looking sweaters in the round with steeking where appropriate. OK, I googled her name and she has a website. The sock and shawl booklets look interesting but overall there's nothing too exciting.

5) Pixie Cables: a seed stitch/cabled infant's cardigan found in a Red Heart "Soft and Sweet" booklet.
6) Start and finish the 2nd sock in this toe-up pair:

The "no wrap, no gap" short row heel is from Queen Kahuna's Crazy Heels & Toes. I received this book for Christmas, my review will be posted soon with close-up photos of the heel (no wraps and no gaps, the name doesn't lie).
That's enough planning, now back to knitting! Right now I'm working on the ladybug cardigan but the sock will be started as soon as the size 0 needle is free.
But first, we have some Viewer Mail:
Katie asked: I love your Laila socks! Do you have the exact yarn color name that you used for this? Thanks!
I looked around for the multi-colored yarn's ballband and couldn't locate it. I'd like to know what it is too, I'll buy more if I see it again. I looked through the Regia yarns at a few online shops and didn't see it, but I do know for sure it was Regia. I bought it 2-3 years ago at the local Pacific Fabrics so I'll check for it next time I'm there (not holding my breath).
I'm very curious about the "no wrap, no gap" heels and toes, and look forward to close-up. The projects you've planned for '07 are great, I especially like the Meg Swansen Fair Isle cardigan.
I'm interested in the Red Heart Soft and Sweet booklet you mentioned. I love that little cabled baby sweater..is the booklet current?
I also enjoyed your book review!
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